Association for Business Formation and Development

About AFAD

The Association was founded on October 3, 2002, under the name of Asociația Femeilor de Afaceri (AFA), Balti, with the aim of developing social activism and entrepreneurship among women and young people and promoting democratic values based on the principle of equal opportunities between women and men.

In September 2022, AFA changed its name to A.O. Asociația pentru Formare Antreprenorială și Dezvoltare (Association for Business Formation and Development) (AFAD) and aims to contribute to the economic and social development of the country by creating and developing a sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem and providing economic and social development opportunities.

AFAD, by its members, beneficiaries and employees, respects and advocates for the rights of every person without any discrimination, promotes active involvement in the economic and social life of the community and believes in the unlimited potential of every member of the community to improve their economic and social status.



To contribute to the economic and social development of the country

AFAD, by its members, beneficiaries and employees, respects and advocates for the rights of every person without any discrimination, promotes active involvement in the economic and social life of the community and believes in the unlimited potential of every member of the community to improve their economic and social status.

Business Skills Hub

AFAD’s objectives

Developing social activism and entrepreneurship and promoting democratic values based on the principle of equal opportunities.

Development of training programmes and development of entrepreneurial and professional skills, which will contribute to the competitiveness of SMEs

Promoting social entrepreneurship and facilitating the creation of social enterprises for the integration and access to the labour market of disadvantaged people

All AFAD initiatives are firmly guided by the following principles: transparency, efficiency, professionalism, continuous development, focus on the needs of the community and beneficiaries, accountability, compliance with applicable legislation, fairness, non-discrimination.