Contract Notice for Follow-Up Facilitation Services
A.O. The Association for Entrepreneurial Training and Development (AFAD) from the municipality of Balti is launching the invitation to participate in the tender regarding the contracting of training service providers.
The purchase of services takes place within the project “Civil society contributes to inclusive and sustainable economic development in the Republic of Moldova”, financed by the European Union, co-financed by Sweden, through the East European Foundation.
Object of the procurement contract:
Identification and selection of the best commercial offer in the provision of facilitation services, with the theme: “Facilitation of Follow-Up sessions” for the beneficiaries of the “Business Skills Hub” Business Support Center in the municipality of Balti.
Terms of reference with the description of the training program:
Completion period: September 2023 – January 2024
Format: offline
Time allocated per activity: 5 hours (academic)
Place of activity: Bălți municipality, Kiev street 75, headquarters of the “Business Skills Hub” Business Support Center
- Elaboration of a concept of the implementation session, including the agenda for 1 day (5 academic hours with physical presence), which will respond to the specific needs of strengthening the capacities of the target group – entrepreneurs from the Northern region of the country.
- Coordinating the activities of developing the agenda and facilitating the session in relation to the proposed objectives and the expected results of the project;
- Development of a questionnaire for participants to reflect further needs;
- Elaboration of a narrative activity report based on the activity carried out;
Theme: “Facilitating follow-up sessions”
Requirements regarding the topics included in the agenda will include, but will not be limited to the topics:
- Facilitation of follow-up activity in the creation of the business plan for business development, as a result of the beneficiaries’ participation in training in the field. Purpose of the session: Challenges and subsequent needs identified as a result of creating the plan. Next Steps.
- Facilitation of follow-up activity as a result of the creation of the Value Chain in the field of hospitality. Purpose of the session: challenges and needs.
Requirements for applicants:
- Higher education;
- At least two years of field experience in facilitating training sessions;
- Knowledge of the Romanian language. Knowledge of the Russian language is an advantage.
Evaluation criterias:
- Presentation of the complete set indicated in the file structure;
- Relevant experience in the requested field;
- Relevance to the task field;
- The most advantageous offer respecting the price/quality indicator.
Interested persons are encouraged to send the file, which contains:
- CV
- PPT presentation (demo version)
- The technical offer, which includes a brief vision of the efficient execution of the tasks
- Financial offer (cost per hour of activity, with all taxes included).
The application file will be completed in Romanian and sent to the following address: Bălți municipality, Kiev str. 75 or by email to: melnicsvetlana.afad@gmail.com and businesskillshub@gmail.com, mentioning Facilitation Services
The deadline for sending files is September 10, 2023.
Details at phone number 069099552, Svetlana Melnic.
Only selected people will be contacted, incomplete files will not be evaluated.
Thank you in advance for participating!